Newlsetter Team

Editor   Christine & John Birchall
Copy Deadline Third Wednesday of the month
Design / Advertising / Treasurer   Duncan Wood
Advertising Duncan Wood
Distribution   Heather De
Postal Subscriptions   Corinne Youngs £15 per Year

For advertising rate card click here

The Church & Village news covers the villages of Baconsthorpe • Barningham Winter • Edgefield
Hempstead • Matlaske • Plumstead
Saxthorpe with Corpusty

Village Websites

Previous Editions

Previous editions are available to download as a low resolution pdf by clicking on the cover image below.

To get in touch about the Church & Village News email:

Magazine Archive

We are please to announce that an archive of the Church & Village News, dating back to November 1986, is now available to view at the Norfolk Record Office. They can be viewed at the Record Office by quoting accession number ACC 2024/86.

Please sign-up to the mailing list for up-to-date information across the parishes of Baconsthorpe, Barningham Winter, Edgefield, Hempstead, Matlaske, Plumstead, Saxthorpe with Corpusty

You can access the most recent three-year's worth of magazines below. For the complete archive click here.